Sunday, July 21, 2013

What Obstacles Can Face Disabled Drivers Getting their Car

Several factors can affect driver?s auto insurance quotes. They even are changing between the time you got your auto insurance quotes and the time you determine to buy insurance. If you?re disabled driver you will face obstacles that other drivers do not face.

All companies shout out everywhere that there are no discrimination and all people have equal rights. But the reality isn?t so cheerful. People with disabilities have a lot of problems getting their auto insurance quotes. And some companies even find loopholes in the law to discriminate disabled drivers and give them a higher auto insurance quotes.

It?s proved that it?s difficult to get competitive auto insurance quotes for disabled drivers.

The main reason to increase your insurance quote is your car modification. Unfortunately, it?s one of the most common problem for disabled drivers. As we know, a lot of disabled driver modify their cars to cater for their disabilities. Some insurance companies can consider their modification of car as a reason not to quote. A lot of drivers modify their cars just to make them more attractive or boost their performance. It increases a risk of having a car accident. Some insurance companies abused this loophole in the law and used it to use toward vehicles modified for wheelchair ramps or hand controls, even if it is obviously that these modifications were made for a disabled drive. That?s why disabled drivers have some problems to get a good auto insurance quote.

Commonly disabled drivers modify:

? Ramps
? Tail lifts
? Person and wheelchair hoists
? Adapted controls
? Transfer seats
? Wheelchair Storage etc.

We don?t recommend you try to modify your car by yourself.

Things are changing and now disabled drivers have a lot of different websites where they can choose auto insurance quotes to themselves. The one big problem is to find the right place to do it.

The first steps to get good auto insurance quotes

At first, driver must inform the DVLA (Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency) if he has some special conditions or disabilities. It?s a necessary way to get an acceptable auto insurance quote legally. The second important step which we recommend is to consult with your insurance agent to get more information about the problems you will force getting your auto insurance quote.

It will definitely save your time.

This is a guest post.

Tags: insurance, money, saving


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