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A picture is worth a thousand words. Sometimes a political cartoon says more. bs110512.gif (GIF Image, 500x437 pixels)
Republicans take a baby step toward a guest worker program but want to deny birthright citizenship for children of undocumented/illegal immi...
A Short History of Texas' Rainy Day Fund ? Texas News | The Texas Tribune
Does Perry have a moral problem? This and many other questions will follow Perry if he enters the race. Rick Perry's Moral Problem - Wend...
Herman Cain is taken on by Rachel Maddow on her Friday November 4th, 2011 show. Rachel Maddow: Herman Cain, the practical joke no one is g...
The fiscal cliff is a false argument. It will be resolved. Fiscal cliff: Go over it and add stimulus, says Brookings? William Gale - Think...
Twenty eight years after becoming a Republican staffer Mike Lofgren? turns on his fellow Republicans Congressional Staffer Mike Lofgren T...
Christian gets a little flustered trying to explain his Western Civilization bill. ? YouTube - State Rep. Wayne Christian and State Rep. Bo...
Paul and Huntsman stood up for American values. The rest were split on the definition of torture. No major exceptions from previous debates ...
One form of currency, the euro, for many countries has inherent problems and they aren't going to be solved easily. Paul Krugman explains th...
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