Thursday, August 2, 2012

Keeping on talking about marriage equality ? The Lady Garden

I almost can?t find anything to write about the Marriage Equality Bill which is now before New Zealand?s Parliament. Not because I don?t think it?s important! It?s a vital step in making sure that all New Zealanders have access to all services provided by the state, in this case, the recognition of the status of their relationships as valid. If the state is going to register marriages for some New Zealanders, then it shouldn?t be telling other New Zealanders that they?re not good enough to be married. To me, the arguments in favour of marriage equality are so obvious, and so well rehearsed, that it almost seems pointless to go through them again. And now that the Prime Minister has said that he will support the bill, it seems very likely that it will pass.

But over at The Hand Mirror, Luddite Journo makes a very powerful argument for keeping on speaking out and talking and writing and making a great clamouring for marriage equality.

Queer people will have to listen to homophobes telling us there is something wrong with loving someone of the same gender, that ?homosexual relationships? are not normal. This will be painful and horrifying and dangerous for queer people in ways it will be difficult to describe to our straight friends. ?

For that gay kid coming out in Te Awamutu, this debate will be terrifying. For that closeted bisexual public servant, this debate will be painful. For that lesbian who wants to leave the church and her husband with her children, this debate will be life-threatening. For all of us who don?t look like the gender norms we?re supposed to, this debate will be dangerous.

The bigots are out in force already, shouting their nasty words in the newspapers and on-line. We need to get the other stories out there, to take apart each horrid claim, to show the sheer absurdity of the anti marriage equality arguments.

So with that thought in mind, here?s a post I wrote a few years ago, in support of marriage equality: On marriage for lesbian and gay and other non-traditional couples.

Or you could take yourself over to Ideologically Impure, where the Queen of Thorns has a great series of posts:
Merv Duffy is wrong, dangerous, and unnecessary
Colin Craig: why is anyone listening to this dude, again?
?Those people? are a ?problem? ? gosh the Nats love their revealing language
Protect marriage! No, really

And across the Tasman, BlueBec has some great opinions: Strapping on the ranty pants ? Marriage Equality edition (again)

And that reminds me of the one sad lack in the current campaign for marriage equality ? it?s all about couples, and only couples. It would be good if it covered polyamory too. However, just as I supported civil unions even though I wished it went all the way to marriage equality, I will support this bill, of course, and then wait until we can take the next step.
Cross posted

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